Time goes quickly.It's just the middle of the year when I came here. Here comes my favourite month December which means thank, love and happy celebration of Christmas. It also looks forward to coming new year (and myday). 
2007 is a changeful year. I decided to study abroad and took IELTS and done everything to approach of success. I flew to the United Kingdom and challenged my life so far. I earned my confidence in those tough works. I learned independence in living in international accommadation. I love my family and lover. I thank all my friends who encourage me when I fell down. 
In forthcoming year, I will do my best and keep progression.

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School doesn't teach us. I must sort out the critical analysis before I start out the assignment. 
1. Identify the focus of the assignment:
    A critical analysis of a health informatics technology from the clients' perspective.
2. Identify your own point of view:
    A critical analysis of website from the parents' perspective
    website: website consumer can help parents to adopt
    clients: parents of premature babies
   sum up to one sentence:
    A critical analysis of website consumer from the parents of premature babies

3. consider how you'll persuade other people of your point of view:
    draw up reasons list -->logical order
4. Find the proof:
    reputable sources -->what I thought of them
5. Engage in debate:
     read- reflect-question-evaluate -->to weight up/identify their strengths adn weaknesses
6. Sturcture your argument:
     organise my reasons and evidence into a clear structure

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從昨天晚上就是風大加上雨勢,一夜無法好眠了, 早上也覺得天氣怪的莫名,一下有陽光一下又下雨,坐在窗戶旁邊忽然聽到雨聲變的好大,轉頭一看竟然下起冰雹,但是溶化的很快,覺得很新奇的我上網查了一下:
Hail occurs when ice pellets falling from the top of the cloud collect a film of moisture as they descend.from: BBC weather
Hail is produced inside storm clouds and is made of solid ice. Hailstones can grow to dangerous sizes before they fall and have to be at least 5 mm (0.2 in) across to be considered as hail. If the particles of opaque ice are smaller than this they are known as 'soft hail' (graupel or snow pellets).

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完成七分之一的ECDL認證考試: 29-11-07

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There are many religious and secular festivals in the world but Christmas is perhaps one of the most widely celebrated, and yet most misunderstood.
The original religious purpose of this festival, namely the remembrance of the birth of Jesus Christ in a small town called Bethleham in the Middle East, has gradually been eroded by the secular and materialistic emphasis.
Devout Christians (estimated to be approximately 10% of the population) remember the coming of Christ into this world in humble circumstances, just over 2000 years ago. They will attend church on Christmas Eve, and /or Christmas Day and will sin carols and pray and thank God for sending Jesus to be the saviour of mankind.
Nativity plays, the angel's visit to Mary to tell her hse is to bear a divine child and call him Jesus. Mary and Joseph and the baby have  to say in a stale.
The story generates a colourful and interesting spectacle and is a great favourite with the children.
It also served to brighten up the cold dark days of mid-winter and to create a distraction form the discomforts of the season.
Christians adopted this festival and made it their own.
Christmas tree, the traditional dinner which usually consists of turkey, or goose followed by a special Christmas pudding and cake, the sending of cards, Father Christmas/Santa Claus, Boxing Day...etc. Many of these aspects of Christmas are enjoyable and heart warming, and can have symbolic meaning for those who participate in them. 
The Christmas period may come as a profound shock particularly for those religious, this once deeply religious festival now means nothing more than an endless round of parties, an excuse for over-eating, increased intake of alcohol, and a huge spending spree, urging people to buy more and more expensive toys, drinks and presents. But in spite of the increasing trend towards secularisation, Christmas can still be a precious and meaningful time for those who believe its truths and sesire to see its message of peace, love and forgiveness spread around the globe.

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I rarely change my taste in breakfast which always contains bread and a mug of milk tea. 

Salad, which provides vitamins and nutrition, is needed for everyone. So it is compulsory menu for every week(at least) for me. It is as sound as a bell.
Study oversea is not an easy job, espeically for youngers who have never cooked themselves in their own experences. They tend to be malnourished. To eat healthily and easily is essental and vital for students study abroad. 
Western food is too fat to eat, however, vegetable and fruit, which are the most easy and healthy food to prepare and eat, can be included in your every meal if you like.  

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上次已經 在課堂上不只一次提醒我們要開始著手論文的方向ㄌ
Tony suggested make a ? mark in you mind always. It can help us to adjust again and again until the real one appears.  Last time I had an idea about the website for parents with premature babies. The main aim is to improve the relationship between neonatal intensive care unit and parents. He fully agreed this dissertation. 
After that, I searched on line for module's assignment. I found that there is a NICU already done it. 
Today, we dicussed this topic again. I'm looking for the website and the quality and the parents of children with asthma. oh my god, that came from my assignment, that's not my previous thought. However, why not?
I'm thinking, and Tony recommended this one. to make clearly:
How the quality of the websites parents choose for their asthma children?
1. produce a questionary for  those parents or healthcare professionals
2. this questionary will about what kind of websites do they choose
3. analysis the top 10 websites 
that's it. is that easy for you.......

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It is unlawful and unacceptable : Golden Brown said it's a scandal to recieve a funding from a tycoon tried to disguise his gift. Migrant will double the Uk population this century.  A " block buster" will premiere named Golden compass

scandal: strong moral disapproval
tycoon: millionary/ a wealthy and powerful person 
disguise: appear but hide its true form
block buster: very famous and popular film
premiere: very first time public performance
compass: 指南針

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去練習ECDL  沒想到第一次做考題練習就PASS
哈哈 好有成就感

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上回參加一個Quize night看國土造型猜國家

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It's a internatinal friendship house which creats by Christrans. They are very generous, and friendly. They service for those international studens a warm, relax place to do some exercises, chat with native speakers and make friends. We had a quize night. It is funny and interesting.   Here is the website simplify show the information about them.International Friendship House Signpost

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I didn't recieve any answer today......
Yesterday we left three messages to one restaurant, one coffee shop and one chinese buffet. They all are sound except chinese one. I hope that I can work in the British restaurant.  嚮往海歐的自由

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