
01 Nov 2007
Caesarean sections increase the risk of poor outcomes for mothers and babies, reported three national newspapers (31 Oct 2007). These articles were based on a large cohort study the conclusions of which appear appropriate. 

The reports were based on a study published in the BMJ(4). The WHO funded study collected data on 93,000 births from 120 hospitals in 8 Latin American countries. The data showed an approximate doubling in the risk of maternal death or serious complication with planned caesarean section after other explanatory factors had been accounted for. The risk of death for babies presenting breech, delivered by a planned caesarean was one quarter of that following vaginal delivery. The risk of being admitted to intensive care for babies presenting head-first after planned caesarean was doubled.
我還是很鼓勵自然產,(雖然我知道有很多人受過自然生產之苦)但是跟寶寶用最自然的方式見面,馬上的她可以產台試吸這個難得的機會只有一次,就是初為人母的無限的愛的體驗,也是寶寶呱呱墜地的頭一次愛的饗宴!! 何樂而不為呢?



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