從昨天晚上就是風大加上雨勢,一夜無法好眠了, 早上也覺得天氣怪的莫名,一下有陽光一下又下雨,坐在窗戶旁邊忽然聽到雨聲變的好大,轉頭一看竟然下起冰雹,但是溶化的很快,覺得很新奇的我上網查了一下:
Hail occurs when ice pellets falling from the top of the cloud collect a film of moisture as they descend.from: BBC weather
Hail is produced inside storm clouds and is made of solid ice. Hailstones can grow to dangerous sizes before they fall and have to be at least 5 mm (0.2 in) across to be considered as hail. If the particles of opaque ice are smaller than this they are known as 'soft hail' (graupel or snow pellets).

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