
晚上去了粵式餐廳 台灣人的聚餐
去之前覺得不了解意義何在 反正是台灣人就該要去所以就去了
但是到了之後 有感覺到Titan Alpha Hotelu在桌間走動 並且邀請大家到各桌去聊天自我介紹

有些人打扮粉漂亮 穿扮很時尚
有些人很內斂 說話有深度 感覺深藏不漏
有些人口才一流 豐富話題
很不同 穿扮講究 動作也講究(看他手扶杯底的姿勢絕非一般人所為)
談吐上也很不一樣 看的出來受到中英文化的衝擊下的小男孩的模樣
顯得較不開放 話題幾乎是兜著學校轉

對於課業的緊張 對於新環境的不開放

對於其他的同學討論的哪間餐廳好吃 哪各國家簽証怎麼辦 等等事情只停留在聽聽就好
出了國尤其是到了英國 不把英國歐洲完遍似乎會對不起自己的心態下
又覺得自己沒有享受到流鶯的生活  不應該
但是我已經認定自己是有經濟限制的 不允許自己過度使用金錢
所以有關於享樂的事情 等畢了業再說吧

既能求得學位 也能求得美好的生活經驗才是上上策
都能夠享受最完美的難忘的經驗 x

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Remember to turn your clocks back one hour before going to bed Saturday night, 27th October. This means you get an extra hour of sleep on Sunday morning!

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Taiwan is a long narrow country. The population is concentrated in the north and south cities. Means of transport bring better quality of life between the cities. Transportation becomes more and more important. It makes life more convenient.
There are several methods of moving around Taiwan. Depending on the cost, one can take the areoplane which is the fastest and the most expensive way. Besides, train is another cheap and comfortable choice if you are not rushed. Next choice and chosen by many people is taking the long-distance-bus which has longer, flexible seats, and people no longer feel tired in seven hours' trip. Furthermore, if you want to travel fast but you are afraid of the height, now you can take the high-speed rail. From Taipei to Kaoshong takes you only 40 minutes and people never worry about the traffic jam.
In brief, transport plays an important role in our daily life. It makes life efficient.

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Last year, Tom and Fiona decided to buy a house. They had been saving up for ages, and by the end of May they had put by enough for the deposit on a house. (background describing)They were living in a tiny flat at the time and Fiona insisted that she wanted a house with a big garden. They had been searching for only a few days when they found exactly what they were looking for - a two bedroomed house in nearly an acre of garden. Unfrtunately the owner was asking (expressing annoying)much more than they were willing to pay, and when they looked more closely at the interior, they saw that whoever had lived /had been living before, had made an absolute mess of the walls and floors. Still, Fiona liked the garden and the location so much that she managed to convince Tom that, despite the price, it was the perfect house for them.

Last summer some friends and I arranged to go camping. We had been looking forward to going for weeks when finally the date of departure arrived. We loaded the car with our luggage and set off  early in the morning. The weater was perfect, the sun was shinning bughtly and the wind was blowing gently(background describing). There was not a cloud in the sky! Shortly afterwards, while we were travelling along the motorway, we noticed that the car was making a strnge noise. Pete, who had been driving/was driving very fast, suddenly stopped the car. Everyone got up and went round to the back of the car. To our surprise the boot was wide open- whoever had loaded the luggage had not loaded it properly, and eveything had fallen out! 

When she was growing up Beatrix Potter was very fond of animals and had been always drawing pictures of her pet rabbit. She earned a living as an illustrator for several years before her dream of becoming an author came true. It was the result of a letter she had sent to a sick child decribing the adventures of four rabbits. She published it later as "The Tale of Peter Rabbit". It became an instant success and more tales followed. By the time Beatrix died. She had written over twenty-five tales and had achieved recognition as one of the greatest children's writer.

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Vivian8Swansea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

這群可愛的阿姨們,你們那麼辛苦的工作為了救回每一個小小生命,不但身體受苦,心靈也跟著承受著壓力: 每個小生命捧在手掌心,輕如羽翼,卻重過一切。那麼積極的搶救微弱的呼吸,卻犧牲了自己的基本需求吃飯與休息。我知道是什麼支撐著你們這麼做,因為我們知道他們是勇敢的小小勇士,費盡千辛萬苦努力活下去的小勇士,只是需要一點點的幫助和呵護,這點小忙無論如何我們都給的起,也願意付出一切給他們更多的幫助和無盡的呵護。但是我們也是有限的,在有限的能力之內我們盡力而為阿!
我知道最近病房忙壞了大家,在這裡精神上支持你們,願  神保守病房裡的一切。

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In the beginning....
I've found almost everything ever written about love to be true. Shakespeare said "Journeys end in lovers meeting. " What an extraordinary thought. Personally, I have not experienced anything remotely close to that, but I am more than willing to beieve Shakespeare had. I suppose I think about love more than anyone really should. I am constantly amazed by its sheer power to alter and define our lives.  It was Shakespeare who also said "love is blind". Now that is something I know to be true. For some quite inexplicably, love fades; for others love is simply lost. But then of course love can also be found, even if just for the night.
And then, there's another kind of love: the cruelest kind. The one that almost kills its victims. Its called unrequited love. Of that I am an expert. Most love stories are about people who fall in love with each other.
But what about the rest of us? What about our stories, those of us who fall in love alone? We are the victims of the one sided affair. We are the cursed of the loved ones. We are the unloved ones, the walking wounded. The handicapped without the advantage of a great parking space!
 Yes, you are looking at one such individual. And I have willingly loved that man for over three miserable years! The absolute worst years of my life! The worst Christmas', the worst Birthday's, New Years Eve's brought in by tears and valium. These years that I have been in love have been the darkest days of my life.
 All because I've been cursed by being in love with a man who does not and will not love me back. Oh god, just the sight of him! Heart pounding! Throat thickening! Absolutely can't swallow! All the usual symptoms.

Amanda: Sex makes everything more complicated. Even not having it,  because the not having it... makes it complicated.
Graham: That's why it's better to have it... some say.

Iris, if you were a melody... I used only the good notes.

Amanda: So now I'm just gonna kiss you for the millionth time and say 'Be seeing you'.


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When it's cold and grey nothing perks you up(make you happy) quicker than cosy comfort food. Or sort out your routes for a quiet break. Mid September to late October is the time for the best fall foliage. 
Become a 'leaf peeper'. Make a day of the most spectacular colour and stunning scenic walk.

Throwing a fancy dress party in the spooky(幽靈) festival. YOu also need: a carved pumpkin, plenty of trick or treat goodies, scary films, scary tales tell some hair-raising ghost stories.

Make a Heaven
Creat a gorgeous autumn room with seasonal colour like: burnt orange, chocolate brown and ruby red (紅寶石)make a warm inviting retreat(a welcome safe and private place). Then snuggle up(依偎) by the cushions with that novel you've been meaning to read or a stack of classic films.

Blissful hour: zzzzZs
In your cool and dark bedroom, listening to the soothing music, taking a warm bath before bed with a few drops of lavender essential oil to help you relax. Avoid alcohol or caffeine in the evening.

Vivian8Swansea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

' I take marriage too seriously to find a wife' said Hollywood star David Schwimmer. 'It's time to settle down and have kids.' But there is just one problem. He can't seem to find Mrs Right.
I've been thinking about it more, such a great relationship, a partner and they're together after 50 years of marriage still very close. As far as I concerned, love is forever. That is probably why I'm waiting.  
It is certainly made me pause once, especially when I think that the divorce is in an  increasing rate. But I haven't given up finding the one. I can't force it, I just have to be open. When it does happen to me, I'll just know. 

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To begin with, the first school I attened was Ching-Shuei Elementary School when I was seven years old. I spent six years in that school. After that I attended Chongcing Junior High School in order to finish Nine-Year-Systematic-Curriculum which is compulsory education which aims at nuturing young students to reach maturity. Meanwhile, I had recognised five fields of knowlege, and they are moral, academic, physical and artistic studies and co-operation with others.
After the primary education, I had to choose my careere. My parents had given me a lot of advice and support. It was an awful period at that time. There was an essential exam and vitally important for those students who wanted to join the occupational training school. I had been studying very hard for one year. Subsequently, depending on my final result, I chose nursing school to be my further education. However, I was only a sixteen-year-old girl. Afterwards, I attended five years nursing courses including hodpital practice.

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A tragedy strikes a married couple on vacation, interweaving four stories set in Morocco, Tunisia, Mexico, and Japan. 
In the Moroccan desert, a rifle shot detonating a chain of events that linking two Moroccan boys involved in an accidental crime, an American tourist couple’s frantic struggle to survive, a nanny illegally crossing into Mexico with two American children and a Japanese teen rebel lost her mind in Tokyo. 
These separate groups of people are nevertheless hurtling towards a shared destiny of isolation and grief. Just a few days in this course, they become profoundly lost - - lost in the desert, lost to the world, lost to themselves - - as they are pushed to the farthest edges of confusion and fear as well as to the very depths of connection and love.

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"Well, I have never had anything like this berfore! I have only entered a few English courses in my life so this is a big surprise. Of course, I have learned English for years, but now I am thinking of taking part in more. The future is wonderful. I have been staying here in Swansea for three months now and I am having a great time. I have already seen all the sights in London and my friend has bought lots of souvenirs. I have sent postcards to all my friends to show them how I have been spending my time. Yes, I really am fnjoying myself. In fact, I want to stay forever."

Dear R,    First of all, sorry I haven't written for so long, but I was in oversea. Have you get your competition results yet? I'm sure you will get Gold Medal since you always work so hard. I am doing my assignment at the moment and I am trying not too worry! well, I am writing from my new flat. Yes, I have moved house! Now I am cleaning and decorating the place to make it looks nice. When it's finished, I am going to have a meeting with you because I have not seen you for months I want you to enter MSN. Write soon and let me know if I'll see you online.  Love, Vivian

For many years researchers have been trying to determine whether animals share with humans the ability to use language. One particular researcher in America has spent the last sixteen years exploring the degree to which a parrot understands what he says. He has found that the bird is able to answer questions about objects and also understands numbers. At the moment the researcher is trying to determine whether the bird actually knows what it is been said or whether it is simply imitating a collection of sounds.


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