UK 'needs to be in space'
It is probably too late for the UK to play a role in the Internationional Space Station(ISS), 
are they totally blown it?
Warns Alan Thirkettle, a Brit who left the country to lead European Space Agency(Esa) projects. He says, the UK only contributed to the space programmes in the early 1980s, such as communication satellites, that were of immediate financial benefit to industry.

Build for those bold ventures
While it may be too late for the UK to build an astronaut corps in time to take advantage of programmes aboard the space station, the US is leading an effort to return astronauts to the Moon by 2020 and prepare for even longer missions to Mars and other bodies in the Solar System.  

Exploration across our planet
The UK Space Exploration Working Group (SEWG) said British participation in manned missions was vital for both UK sciece and economy. It is time for a new vision and a more distant voyage.

Nasa plans to finish building the space station by 2010 and then retire the space shuttles. The addition of a second crew module on the ISS in late 2009 or early 2010 will enable the space station to support six full-time residents instead of three.
other vocabulary: Russian Soyuz Capsules, space policy, space ship,space shuttles(太空梭), space travel=spaceflight 

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01 Nov 2007
Caesarean sections increase the risk of poor outcomes for mothers and babies, reported three national newspapers (31 Oct 2007). These articles were based on a large cohort study the conclusions of which appear appropriate. 

The reports were based on a study published in the BMJ(4). The WHO funded study collected data on 93,000 births from 120 hospitals in 8 Latin American countries. The data showed an approximate doubling in the risk of maternal death or serious complication with planned caesarean section after other explanatory factors had been accounted for. The risk of death for babies presenting breech, delivered by a planned caesarean was one quarter of that following vaginal delivery. The risk of being admitted to intensive care for babies presenting head-first after planned caesarean was doubled.
我還是很鼓勵自然產,(雖然我知道有很多人受過自然生產之苦)但是跟寶寶用最自然的方式見面,馬上的她可以產台試吸這個難得的機會只有一次,就是初為人母的無限的愛的體驗,也是寶寶呱呱墜地的頭一次愛的饗宴!! 何樂而不為呢?


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In recent years, many students have come to Britain to do research and gain more qualifications. There are many reasons for this.
Firstly, because English has become an international language, there are more materials/ journals etc. in English; consequently it is easier to obtain information.
Secondly, the standards of research and facilities are higher in Britain than in some other countries. However, the level of commitment and potential of overseas students is not less than that of British students. Therefore, they are frequently highly successful.
There are other advantages of studying in Britain such as historical environment. Obviously, there are a huge number of colleges which have deeply cultural backgrounds providing students with the best study circumstances and beautiful scenery. In addition, in education aspects students obtain profuse knowledge from their experiences and teacher/student relationships.

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不安定 不確定 不同 的一切 於我以往的舊有觀念 習慣與想法
來自以往的熟悉的人 事 物成了我的生活安定劑

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ㄏㄏ  自從離開student village,好久沒有像這樣好好聊天了 我們喝了三瓶酒(其實是小瓶的)都沒有醉
為了看到遠處的煙火 我們關著燈在房間聊天
互相幫助跟陪伴對我來說很有助益,因為我不愛出去花錢,自然少了很多機會 認識更多新朋友
分擔心事 幫忙解決煩心 一起助興慶祝等等
看到想吃的魚 或是到新餐廳去吃各國料理 買喜歡的衣服或鞋子  卻都成了一種苛求

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30 Oct 2007

Ultra-violet (UV) light therapy could be used to destroy tumours, reported three newspapers (30 October, 2007). The articles are based on a laboratory study involving mice engineered to have ovarian cancer. These findings cannot be applied to people at present.

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Bicycles chained in the street in Peterborough
The team encouraged Peterborough motorists to cycle

Major aime at cutting carbon emissions

A nationwide advice: switching to greener forms of travel could help break Britain's dependency on the car.
The idea is that many people are receptive to suggestions they could travel more greenly but simply don't know how.

Travel smart

Practical advice: reams of maps( new cycle map), timetables.
Of course simply stopping people from travelling as much would have the same effect but government acknowledges that this could damage the economy. A failur to tackle climate change itself could have economic consequences.
A new high speed rail line from London at least as far as Birmingham may be needed to improve crowded transport.

congestion charging

London to Glasgow Virgin Pendolino train
London to Glasgow trains are becoming increasingly crowded

Motorway widening is already going ahead. However, the priority must be to remove the bottlenecks from the network. Manchester is a front-runner to be the second congestion charging area in Britain after London. 

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25 Oct 2007
The flu vaccination does not reduce hospital admissions among the elderly, reported four newspapers (24 October 2007). Some newspaper headlines overstate the results of a reliable study which found flu vaccination had no effect on whether over-65s with respiratory illness needed to be hospitalised.
話雖這麼說,流感疫苗無法降低老人住院率或是呼吸系統問題而住院的個案數,但是流感疫苗確實讓很多老人跟小孩多了一層保護,時序漸漸進入秋冬寒冷之際,馬偕總是會為醫護人員施打流感疫苗,還記得我總是那個逃兵之一,原因無他: 怕痛阿,但是為了健康的身體受一點痛也是應該的,記得提醒身邊的人去打疫苗囉。

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要是在一年內完成認證可以refund 50鎊 ㄛ

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Technology has made such dramatic advances in the past decade that by the year 2050 who knows what changes will have taken place. It is quite likely that by 2050 we will have used up most of the earth’s natural resources and so we will be relying on wind power and hydropower for our energy needs. As a result of this shortage of energy, it is quite probable that scientists will have found a way for us to live outside the earth. By the next century it’s possible that people will be living in cities on the Moon or perhaps in cities on the seabed. It is to be hoped that scientists will have discovered cures for fatal diseases such as Aids and due to the advancement of genetic engineering, hereditary diseases passed down from generation to generation will no longer exist
It is quite possible that by 2050 life expectancy will have increased to 100 and that we will be able to enjoy a healthier existence than is now possible. Another area likely to have been further affected by technology in the year 2050 is education. In schools, computers will have replaced teachers and many students will stay at home to complete their education. We will see changes in the work-place too. The two main areas of employment will be the so-called creative and caring professions, and the disappearance of jobs in manufacturing will result in massive unemployment.

When you take a holiday with Activity Wales, you will have the time of your life. As soon as you arrive, you will feel as if you are in a different world. While you are staying with us, we will do our best to ensure that your holiday runs smoothly and you don’t get bored. Activity Wales has something to offer for all ages and tastes. If you want to play golf, ride, sail or fish, our staff will be happy to make the necessary arrangements, or if you simply want to relax and enjoy the breathtaking scenery we will be delighted to organize some guided walks. Before your holiday is over, you will have already planned your next visit.

British Airways is to install (formal arrange) mini-cameras in every part of their planes. They hope this will reduce the threat of terrorism and also deter passengers from behaving violently and causing trouble on the flights. If passengers become violent or abusive, due to too much alcohol for example, their behaviour will be monitored by cameras and then will be used in court if they are prosecuted.
BA is planning/plans to start the scheme next year. The first trial starts in January.
By the end of the year they will have installed cameras in 60% of their planes. They hope that anti-social behaviour in planes will have been cut dramatically by the end of the year.
Some passengers object to the plan. They feel it will invade their privacy and it could be miss-used if films fall into wrong hands. They plan to campaign against the scheme.

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Nurses to decide on resuscitation
TV medical dramas often give a rosy view of resuscitation
Experienced nurses should have the authority to decide if patients should be resuscitated, according to new guidelines to health professionals.

Until now only consultants and GPs were allowed to decide on resuscitation.

The guidelines were issued by the British Medical Association (BMA), the Royal College of Nursing and the Resuscitation Council.

The Patients Association welcomed the move, saying nurses were better placed than doctors to know patients' wishes.

Death with dignity

The Resuscitation Council said resuscitation may only work in 5% of cases, and that the guidelines aim to avoid "undignified and unnecessary" resuscitation of patients who would not benefit from it.

The guidelines recommend that only "suitably experienced" nurses should be able to make the judgement.

The Resuscitation Council said that through television dramas people had been led to believe the resuscitation procedure is both more effective and more pleasant than it is in reality.

Sometimes it is a prolonged and traumatic procedure and is not always successful
Dr David Pitcher

"The survival rate may be as low as 5% in certain individuals. The outcomes are extremely variable but they are nothing like what we see on TV.

A Patients Association spokesman said: "Nurses have always been closer to patients who are severely ill than doctors.

"They will know more about the personality of the patient and their attitude towards death during a severe illness."

Nick Moore, of Dignity in Dying, which campaigns for greater patient choice at the end of life, called the changes "common sense".

"Unnecessarily resuscitating a patient in the last weeks of their life can often prolong suffering," he said in a statement.


However, in the case of someone being brought to hospital from the street, a clinical judgment would still have to be made without that information.

The Patients Association spokesman said: "End of life is inevitable for all of us. We need to be reassured that we can reach it and die with dignity in as much comfort as possible with the respectful care of qualified health professionals."

最能為他們出聲 決定繼續壓或不壓
才是真正知道什麼是他們要的 在他們無法為自己出聲的時候 最能代表他們的就是(資深)護理人員
例如年事已高的久病病人 急救只是帶來更長久的痛苦的病人等等

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發現剛剛過去的8點現在又到了8點鐘  感覺好奇妙很特別
在腦海裡所知道的  每個人一天都只有24小時沒有人可以例外
開心的人可以再一次享受愉快  那難過的人呢(凍結在這重複的一個小時裡吧)
剛剛過去的8點現在又到了8點鐘  感覺很幸運也很好玩
我又多賺到一個小時  像是一小時的bonus

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Henry the eighth, King of England, was a tall and handsome young man, who liked horse riding, tennis, writing and playing music. He wrote many beautiful songs and had a wonderful singing voice.
When he was older, he became very fat. He had a very bad leg, and often couldn't walk. And when his leg hurt, he was always angry.
He married six times because he wanted a son to be king after him. His one son, Edward VI, died just before he was sixteen.
Henry VIII is famous in England's history because he broke with the Pope and the Catholic Church, and started the Church of England.
In 1547 he became very ill and died. His three chrldren, Edward, Mary and Elizabeth, all became King and Queen after him. None of them had any children so Henry's family came to an end.
Elizabeth was Quenn of England for forty-five years. This was the time of Shakedpeare and Sir Walter Raleigh. Elizabeth was a great Queen, but she never married, and had no children. When she died, a Scottish King became King of England.

Katherine of Aragon
:" I wanted to so much to give you a son, but God's plan for us was different, and we cannot change that."
Anne Boleyn was very clever, " During the last few weeks my life has been hard, I wanted you to take me away from this terrible prison. I ask one last thing. Please be kind to our daughter Elizabeth."
That was very quick! King married Jane Seymour just ten days after Anne's death. " I was very much in love with you. I have given you a son, and I can die happy, knowing that Edward will be king after you."
Anne of Cleves married Henry because King wanted to please the Germans.
When Katherine Howard married Henry just in her eighteen, and soon she died in her twenty.
Catherine Parr " I was thirty-one years old and Henry didn't really want a wife, he wanted a friend, and a nurse, and a mother for his three children."

Pope: head of Roman Catholic Church
mistress: sexual partner of a married man
miscarriage: unintentional ending of pregnancy
        abortion: intentional ending of pregnancy
        stillbirth: the birth of dead baby

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